The Year That Was….

2020, a year that will go down in history as a year best to be forgotten in my mind.

So much has happened and changed in our world today I even wondered how we even survived at all period. I just can not fathom how since the beginning of the year, that literally in less than twenty four hours we were buried under some virus that has created, disrupted, caused chaos and mayhem all over the world that I even wonder what will happen next.

Being in my own home in a lockdown has been nothing short of a vacation from the outside world and believe me it’s all I can do to avoid the news as much as I can with the exception of the elections recently which was all I was really interested in anyway.

Not only that, but keeping what ever sanity that I have left from going crazy has kept me from doing so, by occupying my time with wholes some stuff that keeps my mind fresh and alert.

Guess being a gamer did the trick as I can get lost in my world and journey to never never land for hours on end, and focus on what I’m doing.

I don’t care to read the news anymore since it is so full of lies and what not I don’t know who to trust or believe, so I read technical articles and keep up to date on what’s happening in the things that pulls my interests more, even on a massive technical scale.

Anyway, enough of my rambling, I got work to do…….

Another Year already?

Geeeesh, another year gone by and I haven’t wrote anything? Well, in reality I been so busy workingΒ  on different projects I neglected my page here :(. If it wasn’t for a case of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome and writer’s block it’s no telling where my journalism would be today.

BUT! that’s ok, this is good practice to get back into writing! Just a bit rusty is all haha.

Not Much…….

Not much is happening that I would consider good news right? I’m not even going to start recounting all the bs I seen lately and wonder where in hell is the REAL news at………..

Try Again!

Long time since I wrote anything! With getting a little older and slowing down in life brought forth some new issues I’m dealing with. Carpal Tunnel Syyndrome has set in over time making writing of any sort a little more difficult, and wearing a wrist brace does help to making sure it doesn’t get any worse. Now with a cataract in one eye, it’s going to be more challenging than ever before to keep doing the things I enjoy doing.

BUT, nothing, NOTHING will stop me from doing what I enjoy the most, and that’s living life to the fullest YAY!


Well, finally back ongrid exactly two months to the day (Thursday May 3rd)! Now it’s a matter of getting back up to speed again so enjoy my new desktop!

Thing really makes a difference and after being asked if I ever used Ethernet, you could hear a pin drop. I coulda swore I was gonna get shot but here I am, back ongrid and well, starting up some projects that I’m two months behind on………….

Off Grid

Back at the beginning of March, my trusty ol laptop decided it needed a vacation πŸ€”. It decided to act up doing all kinds of crazy stuff like crashing back to boot up, sometimes it would take several minutes before it would finally start.

So the first weekend in March, it would no longer start and calling a repair vendor I took it in.

After several days, it was found to be the motherboard that finally called it quits, up til now I been living in the dark ages again. So a desktop is on order and then I’ll be back online soon. πŸ™„πŸ™„πŸ™„.


Been quite a while since I even wrote for Pete’s sake! Guess it’s time to go back to writing and let my thoughts and opinions be heard, as soon as I can come up with some topics I’ll do that. Until next time…πŸ˜€πŸ˜€πŸ˜€.

It’s All Over Now…..

Seeing how our country has gone threw some very unsettling incidents of historical nature recently, I am just appalled and STILL in a state of shock even tonight. But you know what? I’m just going to ignore what’s going on in Washington and live my life to the fullest. I am just going to enjoy what freedoms we still have left. Being I am irish/scot, I am unsure at this point what the situations here in the US will result but all I can do is sit back and watch and see what happens next.