Why A Virtual Life??

When you look at the other pages that deals with my virtual life, you have probably wondered why I write about it. Simple, I used two platforms at the moment which allows me to get away from reality and escape to another world. I escape because I find myself living in a fantasy world thats unlike reality of course, and made a lot of discoveries about my self in the process. I find comfort, peace, love in one, the other I find myself being aggressive, powerful, not taking chances to affect the ultimate outcome of what I am doing.

I have said in the past elsewhere that there’s a fine line that gets blurred when reality and virtuality collides, thus my tagline says it all. I find that there’s an existance that is unlike anything I have experienced since 2006 when I first joined the online community of Second Life, and the rest is history. My discovering new friends, ideas and so on has given me more than I can count on one hand and the other and then some.

when I look back to the beginning and fast forward to now it’s been a trip of discovering who I am in so many ways that I just couldn’t go back and start over again. I can seeĀ  that what I missed out on in reality is made up for in some respects virtualy and hope to continue on for quite some time yet.

An Updated Look!!

Wow, I mean WOW!! I gotten an email from WordPress and in it was a couple new themes that were introduced. So, I decided to log in and give this theme a try and two hours later had entirely re did all of my blogs. Telling ya, it sure is easier on the eyes and I can see much better than what my last theme was.

And even adding the widgets was easy to do as I had chosen this theme for the way it was set up and believe me I am impressed. Already a number of people have told me they really love the change soooooo………!!