She Said WHAT!!

93772223WHAT do you mean we give you a run for the money??? I mean, come on now we give you our hearts and souls to you and this is how we get treated?? LOL!!2013. vas thinking the same thing Capt. Graabeerd. Maybe WE should show her the Door To Nowhere!!! HAR HAR HAR!!!

A Run For Da Money!!

2013., yeah, yeah, so what if I made both Captain Graabeerd and Imaslaver do all the work today. I could done the same thing but with all of the excitement in nullsec these past few days it made my job that much harder but I knew these two could do just as much as I could and then some. When I tell them what to do, they do it with out questioning me and if they do, I show them the airlock that goes outside into the void of space and lock the door behind them.

Kinda tells ya what kind of a bitch I am ROFL!!!